KW Harbortown - Melissa Story
Melissa Story
Grand Rapids West
Grandville, MI
Licenca nr: 6501407204 - MI / REALTOR në Mi Home Company
Çdo zyrë Keller Williams® është në pronësi dhe operim të pavarur
Detajet e mia
GJUHËT English
MARKET CENTER Grand Rapids West

Rreth meje

Melissa Story is a passionate caring individual who strives to make a difference in this world with encouragement wisdom and knowledge. Melissa has been in the real estate industry since 2015. Dominating real estate markets in Phoenix, Arizona, Nashville, TN and Grand Rapids, Michigan. She Passionately enjoys working with clients and agents to grow their wealth and business. She is as considered as a hyper local neighborhood expert in each niche market she has been selling. Along with selling, negotiating and coaching, Melissa loves to give back by teaching young adults Quantum Leap, QL is a one-day event that teaches young adults how to think like an entrepreneur, gain a competitive edge, and obtain their "unfair share" no matter what industry they pursue.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Mesazhi u Dergua
Dicka shkoi keq. Ju lutemi provoni përsëri.
Melissa Story
Numri i licencës: 6501407204
Mi Home Company

Të interesuar? Le te bisedojme!
Grand Rapids West
240 E. 8th St. Holland, MI 49423 Not Provided

Melissa Story
REALTOR 6501407204
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